Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zube meets the Press

This is Zube, pronounced Zoobie. She is 9 weeks old in this photo and weighs in at an impressive 19 lbs. A mixture of Boxer and St.Bernard, she will soon be growing into her large feet! So far, she is in love with everyone she meets, the large Canadian geese that are nesting at the pond seem to be the only exception.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Harvest is Over- and a great one it was!

Been far too long without writing, but we have been hoppin' here at Rack and Riddle. Grapes started coming in for sparkling Aug 8, and we finished Nov.13th. In general the grapes looked good and the wines are coming along beautifully. Now the real work is ahead- getting the reds through malolactic fermentation, getting the whites and sparklers cold stable and ready to bottle after the new year, filtering, blending, crafting- there is not down time in winemaking that I know of, there is always something happening.

This years harvest season also included bottling, disgorging of bubbly, and some travel. The bottling line is fully functional- yippee! Screwcaps, corks, burgundy glass, bordeaux glass, tapered glass, the list goes on.

We have been disgorging the beautiful bubblies that we made here which include a Brut, Blanc de Blanc, and a Rose' - all from Mendocino County. Give us a call if you want some for your tasting room or special event.

Generally travel is not even contemplated during the harvest rush, but this year was the exception. We had the opportunity to represent US winemaking along with Family Winemakers of California in Hong Kong for a huge wine trade show. What an incredible experience and a wake up call that we have a lot of work to do if we want to compete with the European market there.

The wines are calling me back, gotta' go for now- Penny, the Mustang Winemaker

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Crush

Harvest is in full swing. The grapes look gorgeous, and the weather couldn't be more perfect!

The fruit continues to flow into Rack & Riddle. We are just finishing the last of the sparkling wine grapes, and are now moving into crushing still wine grapes. If you haven't had a chance to come up and see our facility, now would be the perfect time, as you can see our operation in full swing. Please call us at (707) 744 - 8100 to set up an appointment.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lori and Jamie at work in the lab

Lori and Jamie have just brought bottles in from the line and are getting ready to run a "Gold Coast" on a sparkling rose. Gold Coast checks the % of sugar in the bottle.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The New Riddling Machines Progress

Stan and Lisa are looking over the assembly operation taking place here at Rack & Riddle. Keep posted for a demonstration of these machines at work! It's amazing to think that these machines will be able to riddle 8 cages each. Each cage can hold 576 sparkling wine bottles. So, each riddling machine will able to riddle 4608 bottles at once! At approx. 4 pounds each, that's 18,432 pounds per machine!! This is some machine!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Monoblock In Motion

If you haven't had time to come and check out our new Monoblock in person, check out this video to see our machine in operation.